home | https://sqlite.org/ |
source (C) | https://www.sqlite.org/src/doc/trunk/README.md |
faq | https://www.sqlite.org/faq.html |
wiki | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQLite |
- 2000 (db format released in 2004)
- Author: Richard Hipp
- embedded database, a way to access a file, has no network access
- Include a hidden "rowid" index column (uses the pkey if set)
- Max database size 281 TB
- Implements most of
- triggers
- readonly views
- Dynamically Typed
- Types are assigned to individual values, NOT columns
- BUT sqlite will try to convert it to the prefered column type
23 3.44 CONCAT() 20 3.32 csv import 16 3.14 csv virtual table 15 3.37.1 strictly typed tables 15 3.8.11 FTS5 10 3.7.4 FTS4 09 3.6.19 foreign key constraints - gotchas https://sqlite.org/quirks.html
- diy https://cstack.github.io/db_tutorial/ source https://github.com/cstack/db_tutorial
- https://exercism.org/tracks/sqlite
- https://www.sqlite.org/lang.html
- https://www.sqlite.org/lang_attach.html The ATTACH DATABASE statement adds another database file to the current database connection.
- JSON https://www.sqlite.org/json1.html
- wasm https://sqlite.org/wasm/doc/trunk/index.md
- vanilla JS https://sqlite.org/wasm/doc/trunk/demo-123.md
- persistence https://sqlite.org/wasm/doc/trunk/persistence.md
- Each table in the FROM clause of a query can use at most one index
- After it uses one, it needs to SCAN each row for the other index
- https://www.sqlite.org/optoverview.html#choosing_between_multiple_indexes
An index constraint in a WHERE can be escaped with (+) https://www.sqlite.org/optoverview.html#disqualifying_where_clause_terms_using_unary_
create table ex2(x,y,z); create index ex2i1 on ex2(x); create index ex2i2 on ex2(y); select z from ex2 where +x=5 and y=6;
- BLOBs are 35% faster than file system access https://www.sqlite.org/fasterthanfs.html
INTEGER | includes literals true/false which map to 1/0 |
REAL | floating point numbers |
TEXT | readable text |
BLOB | binary data |
NULL | no data |
- conflict resolution https://www.sqlite.org/lang_conflict.html
- rollback
- abort
- fail
- ignore
- replace
- conflict resolution https://www.sqlite.org/lang_conflict.html
Stdlib Functions
char | uc1,uc2,… | build a string of unicode codes passed as ints |
concat | x ,… | concatenates non-null args |
concat_ws | sep, x, … | concatenates non-null args with SEP |
format | fmt,… | aka printf() |
instr | x ,y | position of y in x |
length | x | |
lower | x | ascii only by default, load ICU extension for other |
upper | x | ascii only |
ltrim | x[,y] | |
rtrim | x[,y] | |
trim | x[,y] | |
replace | x ,y ,z | replaces y by z in x |
substr[ing] | x ,y[,z] | starting at y for z length |
unicode | x | unicode for first char in x |
glob | pat,col | like GLOB, which is like LIKE, but globbing |
like | x ,y | |
x ,y ,z | ||
coalesce | x,y,… | returns first non-null arg (ME: lisp or) |
ifnull | x,y | returns first non-null arg |
iif | x,y,z | "ternary operator", like CASE expression |
nullif | x,y | returns X if x!=y, otherwise returns NULL |
- https://www.sqlite.org/lang_mathfunc.html
- [a][cos|sin|tan][h],log[2|10]
abs | n | returns the absolute value, |
max | x ,y ,… | |
min | x ,y ,… | |
random | - | pseudo-random integer |
sign | x | return -1,0 or +1 for negative, zero or positive |
exp | x | e^x |
ln | x | natural logarithm |
mod | x,y | remainder of x/y |
pi | - | |
pow[er] | x,y | x^y |
sqrt | x | |
degrees | x | radians -> degrees |
radians | x | degrees -> radians |
round | x [,y] | round float by y digits, default y=0 |
ceil[ing] | x | rounding |
floor | x | rounding down |
trunc | x | rounding |
Date and Time
- all functions can take no arguments to return the current time in FN format
- all functions can take an optional
- which can be used to modify the value red by adding/sub "2 days" in human language
- or to affect how the value is interpreted, "unixepoch"
returns.. | |
date | %Y-%m-%d |
time | %H:%M:%S |
datetime | %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S |
julianday | 2460396.3689133 |
unixepoch | %s, fn added on 3.38 (2022-02) |
srtftime | |
timediff | fn added on 3.43 (2023-08) |
hex | x | blob -> string |
unhex | x[,y] | ? -> blob |
instr | x,y | |
length | x | length in bytes |
octet_length | x | |
randomblob | n | n-byte blob |
substr[ing] | x,y | |
zeroblob | n | n-bytes of 0x00 |
args | description | |
avg | x | interprets string/blob values as zero, floating point |
count | x | number of times that x is not-null |
* | total number of rows in a group | |
max | x | - |
min | x | - |
sum | x | - |
decimal_sum | x | same as sum(), for floats sum, avoids imprecisions |
total | x | same as sum(), but returns 0.0 if all values are null |
group_concat | x[,sep] | "," is used if sep(arator) is ommited |
string_agg | x ,sep | alias of group_concat(x,sep) |
Foreign Keys
create table artist( -- parent table artistid integer primary key, -- parent key artistname text ); create table track( -- child table trackid integer, trackname text, trackartist integer, -- add NOT NULL? -- child key foreign key(trackartist) references artist(artistid) ); create index trackindex ON track(trackartist); -- !!! not created automatically
- Disabled by default
Enabled on each db
> PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; -- ON=1 OFF=0
- Used to enforce "exists" relationships between tables
- If foreign key is NULL, then no corresponding parent entry is required
FTS - Full Text Search
create virtual table mytablename using fts5( linkid UNINDEXED, -- not added to the FTS index header, -- mostly ignores "column options", everything after the table name, but warns if type doesn't match title, columnsize=0 -- ? );
- has an implicit
field (you can reference it, insert into it)- can be changed in vacuum
- functions
- highlight(table,colidx,leftstr,rightstr) - returns a copy of the text, matchs wrapped by leftstr and rightstr
- bm25(table) - returns the accuracy of the current match (lower is better match) "ORDER BY bm25(table)"
- snippet() - like highlight() but returns smaller part of the column text
- 21 https://abdus.dev/posts/quick-full-text-search-using-sqlite/
- 23 https://darksi.de/13.sqlite-fts5-structure/
- 24 https://www.bytefish.de/blog/experimenting_with_sqlite_fts5.html
select * from tb1 where col1 match ? AND col2 match ?;
cli (metacomands)
- $ sqlite3 :memory: # or just not pass any argument
- cli getting started https://www.sqlite.org/cli.html (TODO 6)
.bail | on/off | exits on error (also -bail) |
.dump | [TABLEPAT] | sql dump whole db or table |
.headers | on/off | toggle header display |
.schema | [TABLEPAT] | shows schema of whole db or table |
.show | - | shows settings |
.stats | - | session? stats |
.timer | on/off | show runtime after queries |
.import | –csv foo.csv bar | import csv file into "bar" table |
.tables | - | list all tables |
.output | FILE | redirects output to FILE |
.load | EXNAME | loads an extension |
.open | DBFILE | opens database when non was already opened |
.save | DBFILE | write in-memory db into FILE |
.separator | "¦" | change the separator for ".mode list" |
.eqp | on/off/full | explain query planner |
.mode | change output format | |
list | DEFAULT | |
csv | ||
tabs | aka tsv | |
json | returns an array of json objects | |
insert [TNAME] | sql INSERT statements | |
html | html <table> code | |
markdown | ||
ascii | ??? broken ??? | |
line |
human? vertical, one column per line | |
column | human readable, ascii table | |
box |
human readable, utf8 table | |
–wrap N | some modes accept a max length to wrap, default 0 | |
PRAGMA | compile_options; | show sqlite's compile options |
PRAGMA | journal_mode=WAL | useful for concurrent writes |
PRAGMA | busy_timeout=5000 | how long a write transaction will wait |
PRAGMA | foreign_keys=ON | disabled by default |
- column oriented https://github.com/dgllghr/stanchion
- common extensions https://github.com/nalgeon/sqlean/
- crypto, fileio, ipaddr, math, regexp, stats, unicode, uuid
- text: string functions
- define: user defined functions
- fuzzy: string matching and phonetics
- vsv: csv files as virtual tables
- vector search https://github.com/asg017/sqlite-vss
- compression https://github.com/mlin/sqlite_zstd_vfs
- compression https://phiresky.github.io/blog/2022/sqlite-zstd/ https://github.com/phiresky/sqlite-zstd
- fork https://github.com/tursodatabase/libsql
- (edge db) https://turso.tech/
- (edge db) https://www.scylladb.com/
- https://github.com/osquery/osquery
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39501281 osquery is a cool project, with a lot of outstanding issues. It has a great deal of technical debt, including performance and security debts that don't receive adequate attention. It also has a huge user community around it, but only a handful of active recurring contributors and companies actually funding development on it (and, even then, the bulk of the development is feature work rather than debt burndown).
- ceph vfs https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/rados/api/libcephsqlite/
- this is not: a distributed SQL engine. […] SQLite on RADOS is meant to be accessed by a single SQLite client database connection at a given time.
- gui https://sqlitebrowser.org/
- tool wrapper around https://sqlsync.dev/ https://sqlsync.dev/posts/stop-building-databases/
- sqlite wasm https://github.com/rhashimoto/wa-sqlite
- officially not on npm https://github.com/rhashimoto/wa-sqlite/issues/12
- https://sqlite-utils.datasette.io/en/stable/cli.html
- https://litestream.io/
- source https://github.com/benbjohnson/litestream
- example
- liteFS
- go https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
- go (pure) https://pkg.go.dev/modernc.org/sqlite
- go https://github.com/crawshaw/sqlite
- low-level cgo wrapper
- features not supported by go-sqlite (at least at the time)
- streaming blobs
- session extension
- shared cache
- subselects or WITH RECURSIVE, do
well with UPDATE - iif() is a sweet ternary operator (sadly not available on postgresql)
- there is a BOOL (true/false) but internally is converted to 1/0
- there is mod(), but % is still an option
- you have = and
= for equality and have !
and <> for inequality - you can do 2 UPDATE passes
- 1st pass to load intermediate results
- 2nd pass to cleanup