home | https://sqlite.org/ |
source (C) | https://www.sqlite.org/src/doc/trunk/README.md |
faq | https://www.sqlite.org/faq.html |
wiki | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQLite |
- Author: Richard Hipp
- 2000- (db format released 2004)
- embedded database, a way to access a file, has no network access
- Include a hidden "rowid" index column (uses the pkey if set)
- Max database size 281 TB
- Implements most of
- triggers
- readonly views
- Dynamically Typed
- Types are assigned to individual values, NOT columns
- BUT sqlite will try to convert it to the prefered column type
- Support for strict tables (2015 - 3.37.1)
- Changelog
- CONCAT() (2023 - 3.44.0)
- Foreign Key constraints (2009 - 3.16.19)
- Full Text Search
- FTS4 (2010 - 3.7.4)
- FTS5 (2015 - 3.8.11)
- gotchas https://sqlite.org/quirks.html
- diy https://cstack.github.io/db_tutorial/ source https://github.com/cstack/db_tutorial
- https://exercism.org/tracks/sqlite
- https://www.sqlite.org/lang.html
- https://www.sqlite.org/lang_attach.html The ATTACH DATABASE statement adds another database file to the current database connection.
- JSON https://www.sqlite.org/json1.html
- wasm https://sqlite.org/wasm/doc/trunk/index.md
- vanilla JS https://sqlite.org/wasm/doc/trunk/demo-123.md
- persistence https://sqlite.org/wasm/doc/trunk/persistence.md
- Each table in the FROM clause of a query can use at most one index
- After it uses one, it needs to SCAN each row for the other index
- https://www.sqlite.org/optoverview.html#choosing_between_multiple_indexes
An index constraint in a WHERE can be escaped with (+) https://www.sqlite.org/optoverview.html#disqualifying_where_clause_terms_using_unary_
create table ex2(x,y,z); create index ex2i1 on ex2(x); create index ex2i2 on ex2(y); select z from ex2 where +x=5 and y=6;
- BLOBs are 35% faster than file system access https://www.sqlite.org/fasterthanfs.html
INTEGER | includes literals true/false which map to 1/0 |
REAL | floating point numbers |
TEXT | readable text |
BLOB | binary data |
NULL | no data |
- conflict resolution https://www.sqlite.org/lang_conflict.html
- rollback
- abort
- fail
- ignore
- replace
- conflict resolution https://www.sqlite.org/lang_conflict.html
Stdlib Functions
char | uc1,uc2,… | build a string of unicode codes passed as ints |
concat | x ,… | concatenates non-null args |
concat_ws | sep, x, … | concatenates non-null args with SEP |
format | fmt,… | aka printf() |
instr | x ,y | position of y in x |
length | x | |
lower | x | ascii only by default, load ICU extension for other |
upper | x | ascii only |
ltrim | x[,y] | |
rtrim | x[,y] | |
trim | x[,y] | |
replace | x ,y ,z | replaces y by z in x |
substr[ing] | x ,y[,z] | starting at y for z length |
unicode | x | unicode for first char in x |
glob | pat,col | like GLOB, which is like LIKE, but globbing |
like | x ,y | |
x ,y ,z | ||
coalesce | x,y,… | returns first non-null arg (ME: lisp or) |
ifnull | x,y | returns first non-null arg |
iif | x,y,z | "ternary operator", like CASE expression |
nullif | x,y | returns X if x!=y, otherwise returns NULL |
- https://www.sqlite.org/lang_mathfunc.html
- [a][cos|sin|tan][h],log[2|10]
abs | n | returns the absolute value, |
max | x ,y ,… | |
min | x ,y ,… | |
random | - | pseudo-random integer |
sign | x | return -1,0 or +1 for negative, zero or positive |
exp | x | e^x |
ln | x | natural logarithm |
mod | x,y | remainder of x/y |
pi | - | |
pow[er] | x,y | x^y |
sqrt | x | |
degrees | x | radians -> degrees |
radians | x | degrees -> radians |
round | x [,y] | round float by y digits, default y=0 |
ceil[ing] | x | rounding |
floor | x | rounding down |
trunc | x | rounding |
Date and Time
- all functions can take no arguments to return the current time in FN format
- all functions can take an optional
- which can be used to modify the value red by adding/sub "2 days" in human language
- or to affect how the value is interpreted, "unixepoch"
returns.. | |
date | %Y-%m-%d |
time | %H:%M:%S |
datetime | %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S |
julianday | 2460396.3689133 |
unixepoch | %s, fn added on 3.38 (2022-02) |
srtftime | |
timediff | fn added on 3.43 (2023-08) |
hex | x | blob -> string |
unhex | x[,y] | ? -> blob |
instr | x,y | |
length | x | length in bytes |
octet_length | x | |
randomblob | n | n-byte blob |
substr[ing] | x,y | |
zeroblob | n | n-bytes of 0x00 |
args | description | |
avg | x | interprets string/blob values as zero, floating point |
count | x | number of times that x is not-null |
* | total number of rows in a group | |
max | x | - |
min | x | - |
sum | x | - |
decimal_sum | x | same as sum(), for floats sum, avoids imprecisions |
total | x | same as sum(), but returns 0.0 if all values are null |
group_concat | x[,sep] | "," is used if sep(arator) is ommited |
string_agg | x ,sep | alias of group_concat(x,sep) |
Foreign Keys
create table artist( -- parent table artistid integer primary key, -- parent key artistname text ); create table track( -- child table trackid integer, trackname text, trackartist integer, -- add NOT NULL? -- child key foreign key(trackartist) references artist(artistid) ); create index trackindex ON track(trackartist); -- !!! not created automatically
- Disabled by default
Enabled on each db
> PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON; -- ON=1 OFF=0
- Used to enforce "exists" relationships between tables
- If foreign key is NULL, then no corresponding parent entry is required
FTS - Full Text Search
create virtual table mytablename using fts5( linkid UNINDEXED, -- not added to the FTS index header, -- mostly ignores "column options", everything after the table name, but warns if type doesn't match title, columnsize=0 -- ? );
- has an implicit
field (you can reference it, insert into it)- can be changed in vacuum
- functions
- highlight(table,colidx,leftstr,rightstr) - returns a copy of the text, matchs wrapped by leftstr and rightstr
- bm25(table) - returns the accuracy of the current match (lower is better match) "ORDER BY bm25(table)"
- snippet() - like highlight() but returns smaller part of the column text
- 21 https://abdus.dev/posts/quick-full-text-search-using-sqlite/
- 23 https://darksi.de/13.sqlite-fts5-structure/
- 24 https://www.bytefish.de/blog/experimenting_with_sqlite_fts5.html
select * from tb1 where col1 match ? AND col2 match ?;
cli (metacomands)
- $ sqlite3 :memory: # or just not pass any argument
- cli getting started https://www.sqlite.org/cli.html (TODO 6)
.bail | on/off | exits on error (also -bail) |
.dump | [TABLEPAT] | sql dump whole db or table |
.headers | on/off | toggle header display |
.schema | [TABLEPAT] | shows schema of whole db or table |
.show | - | shows settings |
.stats | - | session? stats |
.timer | on/off | show runtime after queries |
.import | –csv foo.csv bar | import csv file into "bar" table |
.tables | - | list all tables |
.output | FILE | redirects output to FILE |
.load | EXNAME | loads an extension |
.open | DBFILE | opens database when non was already opened |
.save | DBFILE | write in-memory db into FILE |
.separator | "¦" | change the separator for ".mode list" |
.eqp | on/off/full | explain query planner |
.mode | change output format | |
list | DEFAULT | |
csv | ||
tabs | aka tsv | |
json | returns an array of json objects | |
insert [TNAME] | sql INSERT statements | |
html | html <table> code | |
markdown | ||
ascii | ??? broken ??? | |
line |
human? vertical, one column per line | |
column | human readable, ascii table | |
box |
human readable, utf8 table | |
–wrap N | some modes accept a max length to wrap, default 0 | |
PRAGMA | compile_options; | show sqlite's compile options |
PRAGMA | journal_mode=WAL | useful for concurrent writes |
PRAGMA | busy_timeout=5000 | how long a write transaction will wait |
PRAGMA | foreign_keys=ON | disabled by default |
- column oriented https://github.com/dgllghr/stanchion
- common extensions https://github.com/nalgeon/sqlean/
- crypto, fileio, ipaddr, math, regexp, stats, unicode, uuid
- text: string functions
- define: user defined functions
- fuzzy: string matching and phonetics
- vsv: csv files as virtual tables
- vector search https://github.com/asg017/sqlite-vss
- compression https://github.com/mlin/sqlite_zstd_vfs
- compression https://phiresky.github.io/blog/2022/sqlite-zstd/ https://github.com/phiresky/sqlite-zstd
- fork https://github.com/tursodatabase/libsql
- (edge db) https://turso.tech/
- (edge db) https://www.scylladb.com/
- https://github.com/osquery/osquery
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39501281 osquery is a cool project, with a lot of outstanding issues. It has a great deal of technical debt, including performance and security debts that don't receive adequate attention. It also has a huge user community around it, but only a handful of active recurring contributors and companies actually funding development on it (and, even then, the bulk of the development is feature work rather than debt burndown).
- ceph vfs https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/rados/api/libcephsqlite/
- this is not: a distributed SQL engine. […] SQLite on RADOS is meant to be accessed by a single SQLite client database connection at a given time.
- gui https://sqlitebrowser.org/
- tool wrapper around https://sqlsync.dev/ https://sqlsync.dev/posts/stop-building-databases/
- sqlite wasm https://github.com/rhashimoto/wa-sqlite
- officially not on npm https://github.com/rhashimoto/wa-sqlite/issues/12
- https://sqlite-utils.datasette.io/en/stable/cli.html
- https://litestream.io/
- source https://github.com/benbjohnson/litestream
- example
- liteFS
- go https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
- go (pure) https://pkg.go.dev/modernc.org/sqlite
- go https://github.com/crawshaw/sqlite
- low-level cgo wrapper
- features not supported by go-sqlite (at least at the time)
- streaming blobs
- session extension
- shared cache
- subselects or WITH RECURSIVE, do
well with UPDATE - iif() is a sweet ternary operator (sadly not available on postgresql)
- there is a BOOL (true/false) but internally is converted to 1/0
- there is mod(), but % is still an option
- you have = and
= for equality and have !
and <> for inequality - you can do 2 UPDATE passes
- 1st pass to load intermediate results
- 2nd pass to cleanup